
Maleo shipping price -

from USA is 8.00$ per 1 kg of weight

When sending car parts from the USA to Georgia, the shipment handling fee is determined by multiplying the largest weight between the exact scales and the shipment volume by the rate set per 1 kg.

Weight of the shipment over 100 grams addressed to Georgia from the USA will be rounded up to 50 grams.

from Greece - 3 Euro per 1 kg of weight

from Turkey - 3.5 $ per 1 kg of weight

from Italy - 4 Euro per 1 kg of weight

from Poland - 6 Euro per 1 kg of weight

When calculating the service fee for the Maleo parcel from Poland to Georgia, the largest weight between the volumetric and exact weights of the parcel is taken into account and it is multiplied by the rate set by "Georgian Post" LLC for 1 kg.

from United Kingdom - 6,5 £

When calculating the service fee for the Maleo parcel from United Kingdom to Georgia, the largest weight between the volumetric and exact weights of the parcel is taken into account and it is multiplied by the rate set by "Georgian Post" LLC for 1 kg.

from France - 5,5 Euro per 1 kg of weight

In Greece, in case of withdrawal from the Athens office, the price is - 2 € per parcel

Maleo customer loyalty program allows the customers to cash back 5% of the spent amount

Maleo Bonus Program

How to earn bonus points

Every 0.20 GEL of shipping payment earns  10 bonus points  equal 0.01 GEL.


Calculation of Bonus Points 

Amount in GEL
0.01 – 0.19              
0.20 – 0.3910
0.40 – 0.59
0.60 – 0.79
0.80 – 0.97

How to use bonus points

In the frame of Maleo Bonus Program, bonus points can be used to pay for Maleo shipments if the amount of points is sufficient to cover a shipping charge